
Welcome to my blog ‘A is for Aoife not Autism’- a simple blog charting my personal experiences of life with Asperger’s Syndrome.

My goal is to advocate, educate and explicate the realities of living with a form of autism.

In sharing my journey with you, along with some scientific facts about the disorder, I hope that I can better help you to understand my world- a world that’s not as scary as first it seems.

Remember-A is also for Acceptance (and Awesome!) 🙂

9 thoughts on “Welcome!

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  1. Hi I am 53 and was diagnosed in January…finally I understand that its not a disability but a different set of attributes..we see the world differently.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The quote at the top of your page is attributed to Kurt Cobain. Are you sure? Sven Goran Eriksson apparently is the one who originated it.


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